Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Spinning up on Acegi

After diddling around for a month or two and getting my sea legs on Eclipse and Java 5, I've found myself as the point person implementing a SSO framework across multiple distributed web applications. Luckily, each web app is essentially the same:
  • Static content: hosted off Apache w/ vhosts to support different dev/pre-prod/prod environments
  • Presentation Layer: Tapestry 3, now 4
  • Biz Logic Layer: POJOs, DAOs, etc.
  • Object Relational Mapping: was iBatis, now Hibernate
  • Web Services: was Hessian, now it's Spring's native web service support
  • Tying it all together: Spring...and luckily we haven't found a need for AspectJ or JMS yet, but it's coming.
To get Acegi up and running on a Tapestry GUI is no small feat if you're relatively new to Spring and the "modern" Java development environment.

Here's a series of steps I wrote up on the Spring forums site for future generations:


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